Guiding Principles & Philosophy

Our Guiding Principles

  • To create an extended Jewish family where each member matters.
  • To inspire and motivate Jewish learning for all ages.
  • To kindle spiritual growth, observance and love of Torah.
  • To maintain an unpretentious, open, egalitarian and joyful environment.
  • To infuse tzedakah, Tikun Olam, and a democratic and egalitarian Israel that provides equal rights to all branches of Judaism in all our actions.

Mission Statement

To inspire the spiritual and joyous celebration of Judaism and to nurture our vibrant and growing Jewish Community.

Our Philosophy

Am Yisrael is affiliated with the Conservative Movement and has its own particular philosophy on the role of a synagogue, offering traditional Jewish values in a liberal setting. The congregation focuses on the spiritual and educational needs of its members. Social activities usually center on a Jewish theme. On Shabbat morning the Rabbi leads a discussion on the weekly Torah portion. Everyone participates, even the children and young adults.

Part of the philosophy of Am Yisrael is that every activity under the auspices of the synagogue should be dignified.  Our membership is made up of down-to-earth, friendly people. Am Yisrael is completely egalitarian and has been since its inception.  We strive to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of marital status, family structure, sexual orientation, gender and its expression, age, mental and physical health and ability.