Founded in 1968, Am Yisrael is dedicated to being the liberal voice of the Conservative movement. We strive to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of marital status, family structure, sexual orientation, gender and its expression, age, mental and physical health and ability. Musical instruments are incorporated into our services in an effort to stir the soul, intensify emotions and revivify centuries-old prayer.
KABBALAT SHABBAT in-person and offered on livestream
Shabbat services Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
SHABBAT MORNING in-person and offered on livestream
Shabbat mornings at 9:30 a.m.
WEEKLY MINYAN in-person and offered on livestream
Sunday morning minyan at 9:30 a.m.
Our Community
Am Yisrael is an engaging, friendly community. New members are welcomed enthusiastically. There are numerous “special interest” groups, such as our Shabbat morning regular attendees, Friday evening regular attendees, daily minyan participants, SJS (School of Jewish Studies) families, adult education students, Women’s Network, Men’s Emeritus Group, and more.
Your generous support makes a difference. Click here to donate to specific funds, or contact Rabbi Newman Kamin or Nancy Holab Nevins to discuss other options. We rely on and deeply appreciate your generosity!