Family Shabbat Services

Saturday, June 15, 10:15 am

Showcasing Am Yisrael’s vibrant community, Family Shabbat fosters meaningful interactions among families and strengthens community connections, while inspiring Jewish life and learning. We would be delighted if you and your loved ones also joined us for a family friendly kiddush lunch. In addition, some of our intergenerational Torah readers will be honored by receiving a Yad. Kindly RSVP by Sunday June 9: We have arranged to have our Gan (Kindergarten) teacher along with several of our Madrichim (teen assistants) take your children to a separate room during part of the special Shabbat experience. You can either attend with your child or take the opportunity to attend our service in the Sanctuary led by our Rabbi and Cantors. Composting and Yads are sponsored by our Better Together grant.