Magen David Adom Ambulance

Wednesday, November 1 - Friday, December 15, All Day

It’s never been more important for Am Yisrael to be one with the people of Israel. 
With the consent of our board, Am Yisrael is contributing funds toward the purchase of an ambulance for Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency service. Our synagogue’s name will be inscribed on the ambulance doors along with other local Conservative synagogues joining in this campaign, letting the people of Israel know we support them. We will have the opportunity to see the ambulance before it ships from the factory in Elkhart, Indiana, fully loaded with medical supplies for life support and ready for its first shift.
For this campaign we are using funds donated specifically for Tikkun Olam purposes. If you would like to contribute an additional $18, click here and we will add to the amount.
Magen David Adom relies entirely on donations for its funding. Before this war even began, the nonprofit organization American Friends of Magen David Adom initiated an Ambulance Emergency Campaign to donate 300 ambulances, three times more than in an typical year. Of course since then the need has only increased, as you can see here in this video.
Am Yisrael Chai.