Special Shabbat for Cantor Rosenblatt and to honor our Search Committee

Friday, July 21 - Saturday, July 22, 6:00 pm - 12:00 pm

We are blessed to have two amazing Cantors leading our davenning for the next year.  This great opportunity lends itself to many diverse services and programs. 

We will begin by welcoming Cantor Rosenblatt as she leads our Shabbat services and Sunday minyan on July 21, 22 and 23.   In addition to welcoming Cantor Rosenblatt, we will honor Jeff Bleiweis and the Search Committee for their incredible work helping us to find Cantor Rosenblatt.  Please note we will have a much larger installation for Cantor Rosenblatt at a later time.  This Shabbat, however, will be her first with us as our new/next Cantor and we want to welcome her warmly to our community. Cantor Simon will be out of town that weekend, so don’t be startled not to see him at services.  We have a wonderful year planned with two Cantors.

We ask for advance registration for services so we can plan our space and food accordingly.  Please use the form below to register.

Watch the website and your email throughout the year for more exciting services and programs.